Sunday, October 9, 2016


Piddlin' is what I do when when I leave home with no set plan, destination or purpose. So early one Sunday Morning a few weeks back,  I set out on a day of piddlin'. With no set destination I headed north on Interstate 81, and a couple of hours later I found myself in Staunton and decided to have breakfast at Mrs. Rowe's.  

For those of you that don't know, Mrs. Rowe"s is THE place to eat anytime you are passing through the Staunton area.  It is a family run restaurant and the food is outstanding. I hadn't been here for several years and was very happy to find nothing had changed, great food, great service and I was able to leave with a full stomach and a happy smile. 

After a great pancake breakfast at Mrs. Rowe's, I headed across the mountain to Mr. Jefferson's town - Charlottesville.  Being mid-morning when I arrived many of the parking sport in downtown were taken up with folks attending church. Plus, being a college town, this was the weekend that many of the students were returning and moving into their dorms and apartment. So parking anywhere downtown was out of the question.  

The Rotunda
I made my way back to to the west side of town to the area around John Paul Jones Arena where there was plenty of parking. From the arena parking lot it was just a short half-mile walk over to the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

The Rotunda is undergoing extensive renovations and is closed to the public, but the historic Lawn is open. The Lawn is a large grassy area on the south side of The Rotunda and is a popular place for students to gather, study and play.  Located on either side of the Lawn are 54 of the most cherished rooms at the University of Virginia. It is considered an honor to be chosen to live in one of the prestigious Lawn Rooms. These rooms are located in Thomas Jefferson's original building and contain only a bed, desk, rocking chair and sink. The rooms have no bathroom or showers and have no air conditioning.  
Edgar Allan Poe's Room

Some of the chosen students were moving into their cherished rooms on The Lawn and unlike the students who were living in dorms or off campus apartments, these students carried only a few possessions. One of the Lawn's most famous residents was Edgar Allan Poe who lived in #13-West Range during his stay at the University in 1826.  Poe's room is preserved today just as it appeared while he was a student here.

After spending an hours or so walking around The Lawn and The Rotunda I decided to head north on Route 29 and ended up in Culpeper. 

I visited the Culpeper National Cemetery and paid my respects to the more than 11,000 veterans buried in the 30-acre cemetery. Two of the most prominent monument in the cemetery are the New York and Pennsylvania Monument.  The New York Monument was erected in 1902 in tribute to the members of the 28th New York Infantry of the Army of the Potomac who were killed at the Battle of Cedar Mountain. Eight years later the Pennsylvania Monument was erected in honor of those from the state who died in the battles in the area including Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville, and The Wilderness. 
Culpeper National Cemetery

After visiting the National Cemetery, I walked around downtown Culpeper. Even on a Sunday afternoon, I could see that unlike many small towns, Culpeper is bustling. The store front are filled with customers who appear to enjoy supporting local family owned businesses.  

Frost Diner seems to be a popular place to eat on Main Street, but Mrs. Rowe's breakfast was still sticking with me. I made a Note to Self that the next time I was in Culpeper,  I would have to sample the food at Frost Diner.

It was late afternoon when I departed Culpeper and head west on Route 522 toward Luray. This is a wonderful country drive through rural Rappahannock County.  Just east of Sperryville, just off of the highway is the original site of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The church itself was destroyed  in 1929 when a tornado destroyed many of the building in the area.  The only reminder that a church once stood here is a small monument in the church cemetery. 

While walking through the small and well maintained cemetery I manage to locate the grave of the area's most prominent citizens. United States Senator Eugene McCarthy and NBC Newsman Frank McGee. 

Eugene McCarthy
EUGENE McCARTHY served at the United States Senator from the State of Minnesota from 1959 - 1971. During his time in the Senate, he served at a member of the Foreign Relations Commettee. He first ran for president in 1968 eventually losing the democratic nomination to fellow Minnesotan Hubert Humphrey.  He would run for president again in 1976, 1988, and 1992, but never gaining the support that he achieved in 1968. He retired from the senate in 1971 and resumed his teaching career. His later years were spent as a resident in a retirement community in Georgetown where died in 2005.

Frank McGee
FRANK McGEE was one of the most prominent news men during the 1960's and 70's. During his career worked for NBC News and was a member of the networks "four-horsemen," John Chancellor, Edwin Newman and Sander Vanocur. McGee worked as a floor reporter for the network during but the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. He was instrumental in the Networks early coverage of the assassination of President John Kennedy, appearing in the studio during the first hours of coverage where he repeating information that was being provided by Robert MacNeil who was in Dallas. He remained at on duty for the next 45-hours broadcasting with little or no rest. Over the next decade and a half, Frank McGee covered the most historic event of the time including, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, and the American Space Program. In early 1974, McGee was diagnosed with cancer and died on April 17, 1974, just 5-days after his final appearance on the Today Show.  

Luray's Singing Tower
It was late afternoon when I finally headed across the mountain to Luray where I made a quick stop at the Singing Tower and Luray Caverns.  I had been to the Caverns a few years back and had and it was late in the day so time didn't permit another visit. 

I also stopped  Belle Brown Northcott Memorial Tower is more commonly known as Luray’s Singing Tower. The carillon was erected in 1937 in memory of Belle Brown Northcott who was the wife of T. C. Northcott the former president of Luray Cavern Corporation. The singing tower stands 117-feet tall and contains a carillon of 47-bells. The largest bell is six feet wide and weighs a total of 7,640 pound, while the smallest bell weighs in at 12 and a half pound. During the summer regularly scheduled recitals are held on the grounds located in a small park directly across from Luray Caverns. These concerts are held free of charge.

From Luray I made my way back across the mountain to New Market. It was dark by the time that I headed south on Interstate 81 at New Market and made my way south, arriving back home shortly after 9 o'clock.Another great day of piddlin' was over. I don't consider it a wasted day, as I enjoyed some good food, and a lot of history.

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