Monday, January 8, 2018


I have refereed basketball for a number of years on the high school level, but let me assure you that I am by no means an expert. A basketball official has to do a lot of thing during the course of a game. He has to get always be in the correct position to make the call. He has to display the proper mechanics to convey the call to the spectators, coaches, players and other officials and he has to know the rules and how to apply them.

In this day and time game administrators also want the officials to be a diplomat, lawyer, psychologist and baby sitter. Such was the case this past weekend with Veteran Referee Ted Valentine who as assigned to work the North Carolina - Florida State Game came under fire for not entertaining the complaint of a so called student athlete.  During the game Carolina Senior Joel Berry II wanted to discuss a "No Call" with Valentine who was the lead official on the baseline.

Valentine can be seen holding his hands out and telling Berry to stop. Basically saying, I'm not going to discuss anything with you. Berry can also be seen continuing toward Valentine who is in the confined space of the base line. It is then that Valentine crosses his arms and turns his back to Berry.

Immediate meltdown ensues. TV announcers start expounding their Political Correct bull crap. Twitter goes into melt down and TV Teddy is once again the center of attention. By the way he is no stranger to attention and controversy. Who could forget his classic confrontations with the legendary Bobby Knight. And just a couple of years back, it was Valentine who had enough of Mick Cronin's whining and belly aching and got right up in his face and gave Mighty Mick a taste of his own medicine.

So it is no surprise that TV Teddy once again finds himself at the center of controversy. Ted is well know for being one of the most colorful and demonstrative officials in the country. He is also evidently regarded as one of the best. Just look at his accomplishments.

He has worked at the highest level of college basketball for almost 30 years. During that time he has work the NCAA Basketball Tournament 28 time. He has worked 10-Final Fours including Four National Championship Games. So he must be doing something right!

First let me say most officials never seek attention. Most like to walk on the floor quietly and unnoticed and hope when the game is over we can walk off the same way.  But this is not Ted Valentine's way. He puts himself out there at the center of attention everywhere he goes. Is this wise? Probably not. But he has done it for almost 30-years and has done it very well.

Despite all of the antics, Ted Valentine is one of the better officials, just look at his accomplishments. Ted Valentine and the other officials are there to call the game, but today, officials are expected to explain every call to the coaches and player. Which brings me to my point. Officials today spend too much time talking to the coaches and player, explaining call and trying to soothe their egos.  If a coach or player needs to have every call explained to them, then they probably shouldn't be on the sidelines or on the court. The college game is trying to turn their referees into diplomats and lawyers where they not only have to explain every call but defend the call.

In my opinion, officials today spend too much time engaging coaches and players in conversation. Referees should make the call, report the call to the table and get on with the game. Let the coaches and players belly ache to a point and then T'em up. Enforce bench decorum and the coaches box. It won't take long for the coaches and player to learn the rules and not require constant explanations.

By not explaining every call, and limiting video reviews the games will be quicker and you won't be constantly interrupting the flow.

Finally, Let me end this rant by saying that the politically correctness police including TV Broadcasters are unfairly crucifying Ted Valentine. The Big Ten has taken two games away from him just so they can say, look what we did. Well, I refuse to jump on board with all this Political Correct Bull Crap. I don't know Ted Valentine personally but I have had some interaction with him at games over the years. Several years ago I was at the Wake Forest - Vanderbilt Game at Memorial Gym. Ted was assigned the game and saw me sitting court side in my Wake Forest attire. He walked over and ask me if I felt out of place. "Just a little," I replied, and he laughed and we talked for a few minutes about basketball and the up coming NCAA Tournament.  It was a cool informal exchange.

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to attend the Big South Tournament at Campbell University.  I was sitting front row directly behind the scorers table.  Ted was assigned one of the early games of the tournament and saw me when he came over to check the book.  He again went out of his way to speak to me, asking me where my Wake Forest Tie Dye was and telling me to take it easy on him today. He shook my hand and we both laughed.

Earlier this year, I saw him at Virginia Tech, he again recognized me and made a point of asking me, "Are you going to follow me around all season?" I told him "You never know where I may pop up." We both laughed and he told me to go easy on him "it's too early in the season." We both laughed.

Ted said after the Berry incident that he was considering retiring, because he was getting tired of everything getting blown out of proportion. He went on to say that he has had a stellar career and it may be time to wind things down.

Could Ted have handled things better, without a doubt Yes. I agree with Ted that this whole thing is a whole lot to do about nothing and has been blown out of proportion. I hope when all of this blows over the college commissioners will grow a back bone and continue to assign him to games and that TV Teddy will continue to walk on the court as one of the best basketball official in the country. I don't have to agree with his calls on the floor. And I don't have to agree with his antics and mannerisms but Ted Valentine has earned my respect both as a basketball official and as a person.


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