Friday, June 15, 2018


Since returning from my baseball trip to Pittsburgh, I haven't done a whole lot. Yea summer is just around the corner and I have hit those Lazy Days of Summer a bit early.  I have tried to get some videos edited and ready to upload and I have been just slightly successful. Right now I think I have three Texas Videos ready to go plus a new video from last years trip to Georgia.

Since getting home from Pittsburgh, I have been waiting on the IRS to come and haul me off to jail.  So far today I have gotten 4-call alone from some piece of crap with a heavy accent telling me that I current have outstanding charges against me and that the police are on the way.

Finally fed up with these calls I answered laid into the Piece of crap on the other end. I must say that I am not proud of my language. It is safe to say that the air around here was blue for several minutes.  But the camel jockey on the other end of the phone ended up hanging up on me.

Evidently, I have a couple of new neighbors. One who have moved in across the street has not done a lot to endear himself to the neighborhood.  According to one neighbor his one attempt to welcome him to the neighborhood was rudely rebuffed. According to my "friendly" neighbor he tried to strike up a conversation with the new resident and was told, "I'm not here to be friendly or to be neighborly, I just want to be left alone until I can get back home." If true all I can say is WOW!"  According to what my "friendly" neighbor has been able to find out, about our new resident he is only renting and will only be here through the end of the year. I haven't met him, and probably won't

My other new neighbors are a very likable young couple with twin girls.  They moved in while I was in Pittsburgh and when I go back they treated me to plate of Homemade Brownies. They told me that they wanted to meet their neighbors and to let us know how glad they were to be living in the neighborhood.  So I've got two new neighbors that are completely on the opposite end of the spectrum.

One thing that I have done is edited and posted a bunch of photos on my FLICKR SITE. So if you want to take a look please click the link.

I have uploaded the first of the Dallas videos. There is probably going to be 3 or 4 videos from the Metroplex before I move on toward Waco.  So he is the first of the Big D videos. Now I am going to get back to being Lazy.

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