Sunday, December 9, 2018


Since I returned from New York my WiFi here at the house has been intermittent and really not dependable.  I have had Verizon for many years and have by and large always been satisfied with them. But for the past few months the WiFi has been terrible.

I have called their technical support number a total of four time since I returned from Texas last April.  I hate calling because you have to work your way through a bunch or recorded messages in order to get to their scrip readers. They spend another 30-minutes running so called diagnostic tests before they get around to scheduling a field technician to come out and do the repairs.

Well, three times this summer a field technician has come out and tried to repair the problem. My Internet works great for about a month and then it starts slowing down and finally becoming intermittent and kicking me off line several time a day.

For the past week the smallest of files have taken several minutes to complete, and I might as well forget trying to download videos. I have tried to upload photos to my FLICKR account and even just a couple of photos takes 10-15 minutes.

In order to get them uploaded I have had to  log off of my wifi and used my cell phone hot spot, which is very, very quick. While I have unlimited mobile data, Verizon does throttle it back after 15 gb's of use during each billing cycle. So I can't use that very often.

With all the snow here in the New River Valley today I figured I might not have too much trouble getting through to Verizon Tech Support. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. I held first time this morning for over an hour before getting disconnected. I tried again and wen through all of the prompts and just when I thought I was close to getting to a real person, disconnected again. Will try again later tonight and see what happens.

A few days ago I finished up another video from my Texas Adventure and tried several times to get it uploaded. I tried first on Thursday and it would stall out after a few minutes or I would get kicked off and have to start the process over.

Friday the up loader showed that it would take 8-hours to upload a 13-minute video so I canceled it. Yesterday, I tried a total of 5-times to get it uploaded and each time my WiFi kicked me off and I would have to start over.

Today, for whatever reason, my WiFi here at the house has been fairly stable and I decided to give it another try and what do you know it only took 40-minutes to upload the entire 13 minute video.

So after several attempt, the video from the Lyndon Johnson National Historical Site is finally up on YouTube. So please slip over to my YouTube Channel and take a look or just click the video below.

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