Sunday, September 8, 2019


I don't know what to say. I haven't posted anything here since February and I don't really know where to start, but Here goes.

Later last year (2018) I started having trouble logging into my Blog Account and was eventually unable to log in at all.  After Several weeks of trial and error and some outside help, I was finally able to log in and post WHERE HAVE I BEEN and thought I had everything straightened out. But a couple of days later, I was locked out again and have been locked out ever since. 

Over the past several months some friends who work with computers for a living have been trying to first of all figure out what happened, and how to fix it. Well it was a very long process but through the combined effort of four of my friend we found out that it appeared that my original account had been hacked and the hacker had changed the password preventing me from logging in.

 Long story short, after several more weeks they were able to recover the original account and start cleaning it.  Once that was complete the clean old account was made more secure. Don't ask me how or what they did because I really don't understand any of it but I do know that now I have three security codes to enter in order to get into my blog. Hopefully I am back safe and secure and will be able to update this blog with my future adventures. 

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