Thursday, March 18, 2021


My mini-adventure continues and after leaving Level Cross I eventually ended up in Sanford, North Carolina. In Sanford I continued with the NASCAR Theme and stopped at the Buffalo Presbyterian Church Cemetery. He is paid my respects to two NASCAR Driver, Herb Thomas and J. D. McDuffie. 

Herb Thomas was one of the early Pioneers of Racing. He began his career in 1949 and
competed in the first Daytona 500 - Finishing 12th. He retired to Sanford North Carolina where he was friends with J. D. McDuffie. Herb was inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in 1994 and into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2013.

I remember J. D. McDuffie as one of the most determined drivers in NASCAR. Never fully sponsored he operated his race team on a shoestring budget. His #70 was sponsored by hometown businesses like Rumple Furniture Company. He died in a racing crash at the Watkins Glen Raceway in 1991.

But before arriving in Sanford, I made a stop in Siler City, North Carolina. Yes, all you Andy Griffith Fans, there really is a Siler City. On the Andy Griffith TV Show Siler City and Mayberry were only a few miles apart but, in reality, 80-miles separates Siler City and Mount Airy.

We all know that North Carolina was the setting for Mayberry and several of the Shows stars made the state there home after the show ended. Andy Griffith, the shows main star and namesake was born in Mount Airy and in later years made his home in Manteo on the Outer Banks.

Betty Lynn who played Barney’s girlfriend Thelma Lou, retired to Mount Airy and still lives there. She very much embraces the character of Thelma Lou and on occasion still makes an appearance during the towns popular Mayberry Days Festival and at the Andy Griffith Museum.

France Bavier's Siler City Home
And finally, the lady that brought me to Siler City, Frances Bavier, who played Aunt Bee made Siler City her home for the last 17-years of her life.

By all accounts Frances was a very complex person who was quiet the accomplished actress and a very prim and proper lady. She was born in New York City, where as a young woman appeared in Vaudeville before moving to the Broadway Stage. She enjoyed a successful stint on Broadway starring in “On Borrowed Time,” and later with Henry Fonda in “Point of No Return.”

When Motion Pictures became popular Frances left the comfort of New York and moved to California. There she made the transition from the stage to the silver screen. Then in the 1950’s something called television came along and Frances once again had to make an adjustment from the big screen to the small screen.

For a period of time, she seemed to have difficulty making that adjustment, being cast only in small part on shows like The Lone Ranger, and Perry Mason. Her big break came when she had a small part in “Make Room for Daddy,” which featured Ron Howard and Andy Griffith. That episode of Make Room for Daddy was actually the pilot for what would become the Andy Griffith Show.

When casting began for the Andy Griffith Show, Frances was cast for the Role of Aunt Bee, and would stay with the show for its entire 8-year run. She was the only original cast member that stayed with the spin-off Mayberry R.F.D.

We have all heard the stories about how Frances and Andy often clashed and were not particularly close during and after the show. A few years back I had the opportunity to attend “Mayberry Days” in Mount Airy. During my visit I got to talk briefly with a couple of the people who appeared on the show a few times over the years.

From talking to them, Andy wasn’t the only on person Frances Clashed with. She often clashed with George Lindsey who played Goober. Now I said earlier she was very prim and proper and didn’t go for a lot of frivolity on the set. She wanted to do the scene and move on. George on the other hand was a prankster and would often ad-lib his lines. His constant pranks and not following his line would so infuriate Frances that she would storm off the set.

But, while she didn’t entirely embrace the role of Aunt Bee, she stayed with the show and appeared in more episodes than any other character. As a result, Frances Bavier would be forever identified as “Aunt Bee.” She once said that after the show ended, that she was so type-cast that it was impossible for her to find work.

She became so frustrated with the lack of roles, she finally retired from acting in 1972. Then ironically, she bought a house and moved to of all places, Siler City, North Carolina.

During the 17-years that she lived in this small town, she essentially became a recluse. Only occasionally venturing out of her home to visit her doctor or go to the grocery store. She spent most of her time inside her house with her cats which sometime numbered as many as 20.

She stayed busy personally answered all her fan mail, often writing long and inspirations letters to those who took the time to write to her. She also devoted a large part of her day to promoting several charities including the Easter Seals.

The refined lady that we all came to know and love as “Aunt Bee,” lived the last 17-years as a recluse and died alone on December 6, 1989. But “Aunt Bee” had one more surprise. In her will she left $100,000 in a trust fund to ensure that members of the Siler City Police Department would receive a Christmas Bonus. Thanks to her generosity every year since 1990, every member of the Siler City Police Department has received an “Aunt Bee Christmas Bonus.

Not many people who live in Siler City today remember Frances, but a few who do have been quoted in newspapers that in addition to being a recluse she wasn't a very good neighbor and was quiet cantankerous and contrary. But to me she will always be "Aunt Bee."

I ended the first day of this little adventure in Smithfield, North Carolina. Before Checking into my hotel for the evening I stopped at the Sunset Burial Park and Paid my respects to one of Hollywood's most iconic leading ladies, Ava Gardner.

Ava was born in Smithfield, North Carolina and became one of Hollywood's most popular Leading Ladies. She was married three times to Mickey Rooney, Bandleader Artie Shaw and finally to ole Blue Eyes Frank Sinatra.

When she retired from acting she move to London where she lived quietly for over 20-years . But when the small town girl who became a Hollywood Icon passed away she came home to Smithfield to be buried in the family plot near her parent and brother.

After checking into my hotel I got a carryout order from a nearby Chipotle and called it a day. It was a long day and found out that I need to get my traveling stamina back. While I am tired, the adventure will continue. 

Stay tuned. 

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