Wednesday, February 26, 2025


November 22, 1963, seems like a long, long time ago. But some of the images from that day are still etched into many of our memories.

One of those images is that of President Kennedy’s open Limo traveling down Elm Street in Dallas. As shots rang out, the image of Jackie Kennedy in a pink suit climbing out on the rear oi the car while a secret service agent is stepping onto the rear bumper of the moving car in an attempt to get to the President and Mrs. Kennedy as the car picked up speed and headed toward the triple under pass.

That agent was successful and ended up pushing Mrs. Kennedy back into the backseat and covering both Mrs. Kennedy and the fatally wounded president with his own body as the car sped to Parkland Hospital.

Clint Hill

While I am sure that there are a number of people who still remember watching that grainy image which occurred some 60+ years ago, I doubt that many will remember the name of that Secret Service Agents Name.

Well, he was Clint Hill who Joined the Secret Service in 1958 and was assigned to President Eisenhower Protection Detail. When President Eisenhower left office in 1960, Agent Hill continued in the Protective Service and assigned to President Kennedy. 

On that day in Dallas, Agent Hill was actually assigned to the Detail protecting Mrs. Kennedy. As the motorcade made its way down Elm Street, Agent Hill was riding on the running boards of the Follow-up car directly behind the Presidential Limo. He immediately recognized the sound of gunfire and jumped sprinted toward the Presidential Limo, as Mrs. Kennedy was scrambling onto the trunk of the car. 

Agent Hill grabbed the handle that was mounted on the trunk and stepped onto the limo's bumper, Just as Special Agent Will Greer who was driving the Lino began to accelerate. Agent Hill managed to push Mrs. Kennedy back into the back seat where President Kennedy lay in a pool of blood. 

Agent Hill covered the President and Mrs. Kennedy with his own body as the car sped toward Parkland Hospital.  A short time later, the Limo arrived at Parkland Hospital. The mortally wounded President was wheeled into Trauma Room 1. Agent Hill accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to a near by waiting room. 

Agent Hill remained with Mrs. Kennedy throughout the Funeral and for the Next Several Weeks. He was eventually reassigned to the Protective Detail for Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon

Agent Hill remained with the Secret Service until he retired in 1975. After leaving the service, he wrote several books about the events in Dallas and the days following the Assassination. 

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, Clint Hill Passed away a few days ago at the age of 93. He was, I believe that Last person with a direct connection to the Assassination. His passing was largely ignored by the News Media.

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