Wednesday, April 3, 2013


On Monday CBS Sports reported that PAC-12 Supervisor of Officials had met with the referees who would be working the 2013 PAC-12 Tournament and offered any official $5,000 or a trip to Cancun if they "Ring up" or "Run" Arizona coach Shawn Miller. Later during the UCLA-Arizona Game Miller received his only Technical of the season when he complained about a suspicious double dribble that has been called on his guard.  I watch the game highlights and saw Miller complain, however unless her got into the officials family tree, or cursed then I did not think his actions warranted a technical. After all I have seen an heard a lot worse from coaches in the ACC. I have even heard Coach K and retired Coach Jim Calhoun drop a few F-Bombs on officials and not even get a hard look.

The fact of the matter is that joking or not, Ed T. Rush has lost all credibility with the fans and if Commissioner Larry Scott continues to stick with him then Mr. Scott's Credibility is in serious jeopardy. Scott and Rush both have said that the comments were inappropriate but that Rush was only joking and should not have been taken seriously.  Well, evidently at least one referee, Michael Irving, took Rush serious, as he is the referee that called the questionable technical during the UCLA-Arizona Game.  When that technical was called, Rush's comment we no longer a joke, those comments became a reality.  We will never know if Irving receives his $5,000, but I do doubt that we will see pictures of him vacationing in Cancun.

When Rush was hired by the PAC 12, he brought baggage from the NBA.  He was not well liked by Team administrators, owner, coaches and fellow officials.  Dallas Mavericks owner Mike Cuban was very critical of Rush, saying he wouldn't hire him to manage a Dairy Queen. Other have said that Rush doesn't have the best interest of the league or the game at heart, It's all about Ed Rush. He was abrasive, self-centered and not well like in the NBA and he has not been well regarded in the PAC-12.  Recently PAC-12 official Dick Cartmell submitted his resignation citing "personal differences with the direction of the officiating program."  Dick Cartmell, is not a rookie official, he is a veteran referee who has worked 5-Final Fours.

When you have a Veteran referee say he would rather resign than be apart of the "new direction" this should raise some red flags in the PAC 12 Offices.  Then you have the Supervisor of Officials makes highly inappropriate remarks (joking or not) it's time to say enough is enough.

The continued employment of Ed T. Rush by the PAC-12 will tarnish not only the credibility of the Commissioner but the entire conference. The University Presidents and Conference Athletic Directors should demand the Rush be fired and the sooner the better. Ed Rush is a cancer and need to be removed.

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