Sunday, May 6, 2018


I got my computer back from the guy that was trying to recover my data after the crash. When all was said and done there was good news and bad news. The good news is that he was able to recover about 75% of the data that I needed off of the hard drive. He recovered all my photos, videos, and most of my documents. The bad news is the spread sheets and diary associated with my Texas Trip and some other documents could not be recovered.

The fellow that was working on the data recovery for me has a full time computer job and he is very good at what he does. He was doing me a favor by working on my computer in his spare time and didn't charge me a dime even though I offered to pay him he flat refused.  If I had taken my computer to a commercial computer repair store, data recovery would have cost me between $200 and $300. I can't thank him enough for all his help.

While I was traveling I did maintain a trip log using a couple of Apps on my phone and have gained some data that way. I also went back and pulled my hand written notes and was able to add those figures to what I already had entered. I also retrieved data from my bank account. So to make a long story short I was able to complete about 98% of the data for the compete Trip Log. So here are some of the final numbers.

Total Miles Traveled  -  6250
Total Gal. of Gas           171.619
Total Gas Cost              $398.00
Average MPG                36.417
Total Lodging Costs      $2,211.98 (Avg. $71.35/night)
Total Food Cost             $825.44 ($26.62/Day)
Total Tour/Admission    $190.49
Souvenirs/Misc Costs     $626.04
Total Cost of Trip            $4,965.12 ($160.16/day)

The  $4,965.12 is a final estimate as I didn't make notes on the final days of the trip be went back and pull the missing number from my banking statement.  This may be a few dollars high or low but it is pretty close to being the true costs.

When I started this trip I had some Idea of what I though this trip would cost. My initial estimates were that the trip would cost me between $5000 and $5500. I also estimated that I would probably spend somewhere between $150 and $170 per day.

Based on the final number I was right on the the mark as I came in right at a $5000 total and a $160 daily average.

One final note about these numbers. When I bought my new Honda Accord, the estimated Miles Per Gallon on the sticker was 36 mpg. On this trip I got just a shade over that and I am really very happy with that. Several times on the trip I got 39+ mile per gallon on a tank of gas which was extremely good.  The best leg of the trip, miles per gallon wise was between Alamagorda, New Mexico and Sayre, Oklahoma. This leg was a total of 540 miles and 41.93 miles per gallon.

Finally I have posted a new Tombstone Tourist Video from a couple of cemeteries in Beaumont and Houston Texas.

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