Monday, May 21, 2018


Well for the second time since I have been back from Texas one of my computers has gone belly up. It was an old computer that I bought 10-12 years ago at a yard sale. I liked it because his has the old Microsoft Movie and Photo Editor. I have used them exclusively for years and really like them especially the movie editor.  Microsoft has discontinued support of these two programs in 2015 but they still worked on my older computer. 

Eventually I am going to have to find another Video and Photo Editing programs but I have really struggling with finding one that I like and is as simple at the Microsoft Video Editor.  The so called replacement that Microsoft has installed on all new computers is really poor and virtually unusable. It always amazes me how Microsoft gets you hooked on using something and then discards it. In this case they have really left people hanging as they have not provided a suitable alternative.

Moving on, I am constantly amazed at just how rude and inconsiderate people are now days. Case in point. I was at my local Wal-Mart earlier this week and a young lady had just finished unloading her cart and had just began to push the cart back toward cart rack.  A middle aged man waked up and politely said, "Let me take that for you."  To his surprise  (and mine) she very rudely replied, "I can take my on F#$!ing cart, I don't need your help." I don't care who you are or what kind of day you are having there is just no call for being that rude and angry. 

I have commented before about making time for some of the simple pleasures that I had forgotten over the years. One of those simple pleasures is reading a good book. Each day while I am here at home I take time to read.  Basically I take about an hour in the morning to sit and read while I enjoy my coffee and then another hour in the afternoon. Currently I am reading a book called "The Last Stand," by Nathan Philbeck.  Like the title suggests it about George Custer and the 7th Cavalry's March to their death at the Little Big Horn.

I am about halfway through the book and while I had always though that Custer was an egotistical, self serving commander, I didn't know just how egotistical he was until I started this book.  Throughout his career he very rarely did anything for the good of his command. He would always put his own interests first and he was always prodded by his wife Libby. 

I am about halfway through the book and have discovered that neither Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen could stand Custer and had not faith at all in his leadership.  Custer was obvious to the fact that most of his officers thought him to be an egotistical idiot.

Finally, Recently I took a little day trip down to Kannapolis, North Carolina where I visited the Dale Earnhardt Plaza at the center of  Cannon Village in the Downtown area. I tried using a new video editor for the short video that I uploaded to my YouTube Channel. I'm not entirely happy with it or the new program, but it may have to do until I find something else.

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