Thursday, June 25, 2020


This is the final installment of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  What I am going to list here are 5-places that I have no desire to go back too.  If you haven't been triggered by now, this should do it.

1.  BALTIMORE, MARYLAND:  What can I say, most of the city is just nasty and dirty with burned out buildings and gutter trash every where. Some third world countries are in better shape than Baltimore.  Even when visiting the areas around the water front and sports stadiums, you are confronted by gang of unruly youths that harass you.  I visited Baltimore on two separate occasions and never enjoyed one single moment. It is unsafe and just plan and simple a horrible and nasty place to visit.

2.  MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA: I use to enjoy going to Myrtle Beach a few times a year to play golf. The was nothing more enjoyable than golfing during the day and then enjoying a good meal and entertainment in the evening. Not any more! The entire city has been taken over by gangs and the violence is never ending. Almost daily the news is reporting tourist being assaulted in broad daylight and the violence really gets bad at night.  Over the past few years I have notice that the streets are dirty and littered with graffiti and quiet frankly the City Officials seem to have given up and turned their city over to the thugs and gangs. It is really a shame that what used to be one of the best vacations spots on the east coast has been taken over by gangs and it is just not a safe place to visit or to live for that matter.

3.  NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA: Been There, Done that. There is no need for me to go back. I did not enjoy the french quarter at all. It is basically dirty, and filled with drunk tourists, pan handlers and pick-pockets. Everything is over priced and only a few place live up to the hype. It you like to party, then maybe once you get by the filth you would have a good time but it just wasn't my thing. So I have been there and have no intention of going back.

4.  RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: This is the capital city of my home state and it is a crap hole. Again the entire downtown area is a really dangerous place at night. Seems like every where you go in this city day or night you are confronted by roving gangs of thugs. You know it is really bad when the police tell you to get off of the street for your own safety.  Lots of the buildings in downtown Richmond are vacant and have been taken over by the neighborhood gangs.  I use to have to go to Richmond from time to time for work and never felt safe if I had to go into the actual city. I retired in 2018 and haven't been back and have not interest in going back.

5.  ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. I left the Roanoke Valley in 2012 and moved to the New River Valley to get away from all of the drugs and violence that was finding it's way into Roanoke.  Even though I actually lived in Salem, Virginia, I was only a half mile from the Roanoke City Limits. And while Salem did an excellent job in keeping the trash out of Salem, I was close enough that some of the crap was creeping into the area where I lived.  The last time I was in down town Roanoke was earlier this year when I had and early dinner with some friends on the City Market. The City Market used to be fairly nice but now it is showing its age and there are some less than desirable people hanging around and it only gets worse the deeper into the night you go.  Don't even think about going to Valley View Mall. No matter what time you go it has been taken over by unruly teens who get their kicks out of harassing shoppers. Roanoke is fast becoming another crap hole that respectful people avoid.

So there you have it. If you live in any of these place, you have my deep sympathies. It you are think about relocating I wish you all the luck in the world. And if you are upset and pissed off about anything that I have said, then so be it. This is my opinion and that's all that matters.

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