Monday, June 26, 2023



Today begins my third week on the road and I have covered a little more than 4,000 miles for this little adventure. Even though I am peddling my way east, I anticipate being on the road for at least another week and close to 3,000 more miles.

I ended up sleeping in this morning and didn’t check out of the Main Stay Suites until 9 a.m. This was a very nice hotel. It was clean, the bed was comfortable, and I slept well.  Again, I opted to forgo the Hotel Coffee and stopped at a Nearby Loves before heading east.

After Getting my coffee I headed east on Interstate 90 and said goodbye to Rapid City.  I retraced my steps from Yesterday when I returned from my visit to the Badlands National Park.

Yesterday, while enroute to the Badlands I saw the Minuteman Missile Museum but didn’t have time to stop. So today, on the way east I plan to stop and learn a little about the cold war and the missiles.

About an hour later I arrived at the Visitor’s Center just off Interstate 90 at Exit 131. Here I found out that this was only the museum visitors center. The Delta 1 Launch Facility and Silo was several mile back west and was available by scheduled appointment.  The next tour opening was in the early afternoon. First, I didn’t really want to back track again and second, I didn’t want to wait around several hours for the next open tour.

So, I just set about exploring the small museum here at the Visitor’s Center. The museum was well laid out and the exhibits were quite informative.  It took me about 30-minutes to complete my visit and after picking up a few souvenirs it was time to continue my adventure.

Back on Interstate 90, I may my way east to exit 170 where I left the Interstate and headed north on South Dakota Highway 63. Along the way I stopped a small pullout where an old stage Station once stood.

The Plum Creek Stage Station was a stop on the Deadwood Stage Line. It was important because travelers could get fresh water for themselves and their horses. The station also had a telegraph line which was an important communication site for points east and west of here.  Nothing is left of the old station but there is a small monument and hand painted sign commemorating the history of the site.

After my brief Stop at the Plum Creek Station Site, I continue until I got to U. S. Highway 14, which would take me the South Dakota’s Capital City of Pierre. The entire 120-mile trip to Pierre form the Minuteman Museum took me a little over 2-hours. Along the way I crossed back into the Central Time Zone and lost an hour. So, it was close to 2 p.m. when I arrive at the South Dakota State Capitol Building.

Pierre is a small city, and it was easy to find street parking right in front of the Capitol Building.  After spending several Minutes walking around the Capitol Grounds, I quickly made my way through security and roamed the halls on my self-guided tour.

As capitols go the building has a traditional dome and I was able to visit both the House and Senate Chambers along with the waiting area for the Governors Office. I was able to tour at my own pace which my visit even more enjoyable.

After completing my visit to the Capitol, I was making my way out of town on U. S. Highway 83 when I passed the Casey Tibbs Rodeo Museum, so I decided to stop only to discover it was close. Too bad, I would have really like to have toured the museum. But in the days of COVID, you win some and you lose some.

It took me about 40-minutes to make the 35-mile drive back to Interstate 90 and continue my eastward journey. About 50-miles and 45-minutes later I cross the Missouri River at Chamberlain, South Dakota.  Just after crossing the river, I made a stop at the South Dakota Rest Area that is located on the hill overlooking the River. 

Most of the time when I stop at Rest Area’s it is a quick bathroom stop. Maybe 10-15 minutes at most and then back in the car and I’m on my way.  Well, not today. There was so much going on at this rest area, that my quick stop lasted more than an hour’s.

First, in addition to really clean rest rooms and information stand, this rest area features a small but really cool museum dedicated to Lewis and Clark who camped here first on the way out to the Pacific in 1804 and again on their return trip in 1806. As I walked around the museum I was treated to some amazing views of the Missouri River.

After finishing my Inside tour, I made my way outside and once again enjoy some wonderful views of Chamberlain and the River.  But this rest area is one that just keeps on giving.  On the lawn, overlooking the Interstate and the Missouri River is the beautiful and impressive Dignity Statue.

This wonderful statue of a Native American Woman with her robe spread in the wind. She stands 50-feet tall and is made of stainless steel.  They had to cut holes in the robe so that the strong Dakota winds would pass through and not topple her over.  This is without a doubt one of the most amazing statues that I have ever seen.

After spending a little more than an hour at the Chamberlain Rest Area, I was almost 4:30 Central Time when I got back on Interstate 90. My original Plan last night was to see if I could make my way all the way across South Dakota and Spend the Night in Sioux Fall. But that wasn’t going to happen so while I was at the rest area, I made a hotel reservation at a Comfort Inn in Mitchell, South Dakota.

Mitchell was still about 70-miles away, so it took me about an hour to make the drive. It was about 5:40 p.m. Central Time when I pulled into the Comfort Inn and got checked in. After getting settled, I walked across the parking lot to the Ruby Tuesday and had a very nice Supper.  This was one of the better Ruby Tuesday that I have visited. The service was great, and the foot seemed to be freshly prepared and served hot.

After supper I again settled into my nightly routine of backing up my photo and writing my blog before loosely planning my next day itinerary. Even though today was about 350 miles, the day was filled with some unexpected twists. Never would have I expected to find a museum and statue at a rest area. Or be walking around the site of an old stage station.

Even though I lost and hour when I crossed into the Central Time Zone, it was a full day, and I had a great time. Tonight, I come to another fork in the road and must decide which way the adventure will head tomorrow. I have a couple of Options.’

One is to Head directly south and end up in Nebraska and go from there. Option 2 is to head to Sioux City and then head south on the Interstate to Omaha and make a decision in Omaha. Option Three is to Head to Sioux City and to head east from there.

Time will tell which option I chose. Stick around as The Adventure Continues.

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