Friday, March 22, 2013


Well I have made it to downtown Kansas City and I'm all parked at the Sprint Center. Like most downtown arenas parking is horrible but I managed to find a spot just a block north of the Sprint Center for 30 dollars all day. The weather here in Kansas City is absolutely horrible when I left the motel this morning it was sleeting and now I like snow is falling in downtown the weather forecast is not any better as they are calling for 6 to 10 inches of snow on Sunday found out yesterday that I will not be allowed to take my camera into the Sprint Center so the only photos and I will be taking will be with the cellphone camera
As I was walking around downtown Kansas City a few minutes ago I happen to run into University of North Carolina head coach Roy Williams add his coaching staff I even managed to get a Go Deacs from Coach Holladay.

First game in the Books and the Rebels
Of Ole Miss sent the Wisconsin Badgers Packing. My seats were located near the Wisconsin Section and I was fortunate enough to meet two time U.S. Open Champion Andy North and Coach Barry Alvarez.

Game 2 is at the Half and LaSalle has popped K-State in the mouth. The purple haze from the little apple is stunned.

Well they have cleared the arena between the afternoon session in the evening session. The afternoon session Saw Mississippi send and Wisconsin packing and the Explorers of LaSalle defeated the Wildcat of Kansas State.

So the first game on Sunday will feature The Rebels and the Explorers. Tonights first game will match the Villa OCA Wildcats against the University of North Carolina Tarheels.

The second game tonight will feature the Hilltoppers of Western Kentucky Against the Jayhawks of Kansas.

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