Thursday, November 29, 2018


(NOVEMBER 24, 2018) After returning home from my Amtrak Arizona Adventure, I spent a few days catching up on some home chores and really just resting up. The weather here in the New River Valley has been for the most part cold with a few days of ice and rain. If I haven't told you I miss the Arizona weather.

My sister and I spent Thanksgiving in Hickory, North Carolina with our mom who really prepared a feast. It is always good when I get to visit mom but she really goes all out for Thanksgiving. We managed to miss most of the holiday traffic by traveling to Hickory early Wednesday morning, and arriving at mom's about noon. 

We spent a great Thanksgiving Day with Mom and Wayne, visiting, eating, visiting some more and eating. Friday morning again wanted to again avoid traffic and left mom's about noon to arrive back in the New River Valley about mid-afternoon. The University of Virginia was playing Virginia Tech in Football in Blacksburg and we managed to avoid that traffic by arriving home right at the start of the game.

As we officially begin the holiday season I hope each of you had a very Blessed and Thankful Thanksgiving. I am so blessed to be able to spend it with my family. And as we move on toward Christmas, I hope each of you will not remember the reason for the season and share your blessing with family and friends.

Saturday I spent the day re-packing my back pack for my next mini adventure which will start on Sunday. But more about that in my next post.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

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