Friday, November 2, 2018


It has been a few days since I have updated my Arizona Adventure. This was largely due to the few days that I spent in the Four Corners area where Internet and cell phone data is very scarce.  During the few days that I have left here in Arizona, I hope to get caught up, but if I don't will have time on the train ride back to write the updates while on the train ride back, and then post them when I get back to Chicago the Middle of next week.

I spent Sunday Night (October 28) in Flagstaff and was up early Monday Morning to begin my trip to the Four Corners area.  But This was going to be a full day with several stops along the way.

Meteor Crater
My first stop was at the Meteor Crater between Winslow and Flagstaff. I had first visited the Meteor Crater in 1984 when My dad and I drove cross country to visit my sister and mom in California. Oh what treasured memories. So more than 30 year later I was back again and I during this visit I often thought of my dad. As I stood on the rim of the Crater where my Dad and I had stood in 1984 I remember the conversation we had and kind of chuckled to myself.

Standing in the same place that we had stood more than 30 years ago, I remember daddy laughing and telling me that this was where the astronauts were when everybody thought they were walking on the moon. 

When we visited in 1984 there was only a small museum on the site. Today there is a new visitors center, gift shop and a larger museum.  But just like 30-years ago you can still walk around the rim of the craters and take photos from various platform

Standing on The Corner In Winslow Arizona
I ended up spending about an hour at the crater and them it was on to the Old Route 66 Town of Winslow where I would be "Standing on the Corner in Winslow, Arizona," next to a flatbed Ford. Thanks to the Eagles song, "Standing on The Corner in Winslow, Arizona" still brings tourist into the old Route 66 Town.

Painted Desert
After Standing on the Corner I move a few miles east to the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert National Park.  I had seen pictures of the Painted Desert but nothing could prepare me for the vast beauty and vivid color of the desert.  I was thankful that it was a sunny day as the sun made the colors of the desert even more vivid.

There is a 28-mile road through both the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest and I drove the entire length.  I could have exited the part at the end of the Crystal Forest Visitor's Center but that would have required me to go about 50 miles out of my way. So I turned around and retraced my route and returned to Interstate 40.
Hubbell Trading Post

My next stop was about two and a half hours away at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historical Site. In  1878 John Hubbell purchased the trading post which served as a meeting place for both the white settlers of the area and the Navajo
who had returned to the area after their exile in Bosque Redondo. The Trading Post has been in continuous operation ever since, and was listed as a National Historic Landmark in 1966. 

The View from my room at Goulding's Lodge
After a quick stop at the Hubbell Trading Post to get my National Park Passport Stamp it was a long three hour drive to the Arizona - Utah Border. Here in the beautiful Monument Valley I had reservations at the Historic Goulding's Lodge. Located at the entrance to Monument Valley my room in the Lodge afforded me with one of the most wonderful views I have ever seen. 

Tomorrow I will spend most of the day touring Monument Valley. This will be another item that I can scratch off of my bucket list.

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