Sunday, November 4, 2018


(OCTOBER 31, 2018) This is probably going to be another post that is short on word and heavy with photos. Today I traveled about 80-miles north of Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon.  I chose to head up from Flagstaff and enter the Grand Canyon National Park at the Desert View - Watch Tower entrance.

This is my second visit to the Grand Canyon. I first visited the Park in 1984 with my day as we were traveling across country. Once again as I am driving up from Flagstaff, I memories of that trip with my dad are present at almost every turn.

As I was driving up Highway 64, I passed by the Little Colorado River Gorge.  In 1984 My dad saw this and thought it was part of the Grand Canyon. I remember him looking of at me and say, "I really hope that not all there is too it." He soon found out that there was a whole lot more.

I entered the Grand Canyon National Park and made my way to the Watch Tower and the Desert View Overlook. Just like in 1984, this was my first view of the Grand Canyon and it is just as spectacular today as it was back them.

It took me almost 2 hours to make the 22-mile drive to the Visitor's Center at the Main Entrance. Traffic was light and the overlooks were not very crowded so I took pictures from all different angles.

When I arrived at the Visitors Center I got my National Park Passport Stamp and then made my way to Mather Point, which is one of the most photographed spots in the Park and I can see why.

Here is a few of the more than 150 Photo I took during my Visit to the Grand Canyon.

The Hance Rapids

Mather Point

I had planned on spending most of the day at the Grad Canyon and I did. It was getting late in the afternoon when I headed south on Route 64 toward the Route 66 town of Williams Arizona. A little over an hour after leaving the Canyon I pulled into the Comfort Inn in Williams where I will spend the night. After having supper at the Pine Country Restaurant in downtown Williams I spent a little while walking around old Route 66. It was Halloween and lots of people were dressed up with their kids trick or treating at the local businesses.  It was a lot of fun spending  Halloween Night on Route 66 in Williams.

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