Thursday, July 5, 2018


Well it's the day after the 4th of July and the Summer Heat Continues.  Today was the 6th day in a row that the temps have been in the mid-90's and the humidity continues to climb. But there appears to be some relief in site as low pressure is expected to move through tomorrow and bring with it lower temperatures and some rain. After the front clears out this weekend we should have temps in the high 70's or low 80's with lower humidity. 

Last night's fireworks here in the NRV were a little bit disappointing. The fireworks were moved from the High School to an area adjacent to the New River Valley Mall. I realize the new field turf at the High School can handle the fallout from the fireworks but moving them to the Mall which is already a traffic night mare had the makings of being a big mistake. AND IT WAS. Traffic all around the mall was a total cluster and NOBODY WAS HAPPY. Christiansburg, you really screwed the pooch on this one.

I did walk over to the street behind my house and myself and about 40 other folks had a pretty good view of the Fireworks from about a mile and a half away.  This years show only lasted about 15-minutes and wasn't all that great. Once again Christiansburg, you screwed the pooch.

One other thing that Christiansburg has done recently, is lowered the speed limit on several major streets. And so far they haven't wasted any time enforcing the new limits.

Some of you may know that I sorta, kinda like watch trash TV. Yes I like shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race and Big Brother.  But I must admit the last couple of seasons of the Amazing Race and Big Brother have left a lot to be desired.  The producers have tried to hard to trick thing up with both casting and deviating from the original game. The CBS Casting and Production have really screwed the pooch on the last few season.

This season of Big Brother started last week and after a disappointing last season I had all be decided that I wasn't going to watch this year. However, I found out that there was a girl on the show this season from Stuarts Draft and decided to give it a shot.

Samantha, Sam for short is a tomboy welder from just up the road in Stuarts Draft and has an sugar coated southern accent.  I hope she lasts a while, but if she doesn't I probably will give up on the show as I really don't like any of the other player.

Finally, the summer heat has really made me lazy and I have screwed the pooch as far as editing photos and videos. I started working on a video of some of the cemeteries that I visited in the Dallas Area but about half way through the video was over 12-minutes long. One of the largest cemeteries in the Dallas Area is Sparkman-Hillcrest. It also has a large number of notable graves, so I decided to make it into a stand alone video and then make a second video of all of the others.

So here is the latest video from my Texas Vacation. The Tombstone Tourist Visits Sparkman-Hillcrest Memorial Park.

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