Wednesday, July 25, 2018


My original plan for today was to leave early and head east back toward Louisville, but when I got up this morning I decided to head into downtown St. Louis and re-visit the Arch, which I last visited in 2013.  Since that visit they have built a new museum and visitors center. Come to find out the tram rides to the top had only re-opened earlier this year.

I left the hotel at a little after 7 and made the 30 minute drive into downtown. Arriving early allowed me to find parking in one of the  parking garages just a couple of blocks from the Old Courthouse and the Arch.  After walking around the ground and snapping a pictures I made my way into the  visitors center and purchased my ticket for the tram tide to the top.

The tram is actually 8 small pods that seat 8-people. The interior of the pod is very, very small so be prepared to get close to your traveling companion.  It takes about 3 and a half minutes to get to the top and once there you can stay as long as your like.

Today was crystal clear and the view was magnificent. Looking to the east you get a great view of the
Mississippi River and the Illinois Country side.  Looking west is downtown St. Louis with a spectacular view of the Old Courthouse, the Former TWA and Later Edward Jones Dome and Busch Stadium.

A trip to the top of the arch should be on everybody's bucket list. It is simply outstanding.

After completing my visit to the Arch, I made the short walk down to Busch Stadium, Home of the St. Louis Cardinals and purchased a ticket for the Stadium Tour. A stadium tour ticket also included admission to the Cardinal Museum and Hall of Fame.

The stadium tour last about 45 minutes and included a visit to the dugout and in to KMOX Radio Booth where John Rooney and Mike Shannon broadcast Cardinal Baseball to 40-states. It's a great tour and any baseball fan (well maybe not Cub Fans) would enjoy.

The Cardinal Hall of Fame and Museum is simply outstanding. Packed with historic artifacts from the early days of St. Louis Baseball, including a number of artifacts from the greatest Cardinal of them all Stan Musial.

The KMOX Broadcast Booth
I ended up spending the better part of the Morning in downtown St. Louis and still had a 250 mile drive across southern Illinois and Indiana and am now back in Louisville for the night.  Tomorrow is another play it by ear day but in the next day or two I am going to start heading home.

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