Sunday, July 9, 2023




MAY 18 – 23, 2023


Hit the road this morning on a short little trip that brought me to Chattanooga where I am spending tonight at the Hampton Inn - Hamilton Place in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This was get away day for me, so I didn't have much planned. I did spend the morning and early afternoon in Greeneville, Tennessee exploring the Sites relating President Andrew Johnson, our 17th President. I have been here a couple of times before but always learn something and see new things.

I began my visit at the National Park Service Visitor's Center where there is a small museum that contains several artifacts that belonged to President Johnson, including the Bible that he took the Oath of Office on following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the mourning ribbon that he wore at Lincoln's Funeral.

The centerpiece of the visitor’s center is the future president's former tailor shop that he operated here in Greeneville. The small log building was moved to this location and the visitors center was built around it. It is completely inside the and sheltered from the elements.

 Also located adjacent to the visitor's center is the Early Home of President Johnson. It is basically just a building with a few storyboards inside the rooms. There is no furniture, just empty rooms.

 Across the street from the early home and visitors center is a small park that contains a replica of President Johnson Birthplace. The actual birthplace is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Also located here is a life size statue of the President.


Just a short walk down Main Street from is what is called the Andrew Johnson Homestead. Andrew Johnson owned this home for 24 years and lived here both before and after his presidency. During the Civil War, soldiers occupied this house and left it in disrepair. The Johnsons renovated the home when they returned from Washington, filling it with Victorian furnishings and political gifts. Three generations of the family occupied the home before placing it in the stewardship of the National Park Service. The Homestead is filled with many original family belongings and artifacts.

My final stop in Greeneville was at the Andrew Johnson National Cemetery. Here on top of the hill is the final resting place of our 17th President. He is resting here beneath this impressive monument. Legend has it that he was buried with a copy of the United States Constitution. Along with his wife Eliza, several other members of the President's immediate Family are resting in the plots around the monument.

From Greeneville, I battled the Traffic through Knoxville. I can remember traveling through Knoxville with my dad. Even back then Traffic in K-Town was bad. Daddy always call it Malfunction Junction.

 Today traffic wasn't so bad. My Google Maps alerted me to a couple of traffic backups on Interstate 40 in Downtown Knoxville. So, I opted to take Interstate 640 around the north side of the city. There was a slight back up on 640 near the I-75 north interchange but nothing major and I soon rejoined Interstate 40 on the west side of Knoxville.

 A few minutes later I made it to Interstate 75 south and headed toward the Hampton Inn at Hamilton Place which was my destination for the Night in Chattanooga. Over the years I have stayed mostly at Choice Hotels (Comfort Inn and Sleep Inn) but over the past few years the Choice brand has really gone downhill. I have noticed that many of the Choice Hotel are "foreign owned” which has resulted in the cleanliness of the rooms suffering. Not to mention the non-existent customer service.

Because of this, over the past few trips I have migrated away from the Choice Brands and started staying at Holiday Inns and more recently the Hilton Brands of Hotel. I joined the Hilton Honors rewards Program and as an Honors Member I really like the digital features that is offered through their app.

 I made my reservation at the Hampton Inn - Hamilton Place through the Hilton App. After I made my reservation and was confirmed, about 24-hours or so I was allowed to "check-in digitally" using the app. This allows me to completely bypass the traditional check-in process.

 Once my digital check-in is confirmed, on the day of my arrival I am notified through the app that my room is ready. Once this notification is received, I can either select my room or allow the hotel to assign my room. I usually select my room. After selecting my room, a few minutes later my digital key arrives on my cell phone.

 When I arrive at the hotel my digital key is activated when I enter the front door and I can completely bypass the front desk and proceed directly to my room. Once I am at the door to my room, all I must do is touch the digital key Icon on my phone and my door is unlocked. The digital features offered by Hilton are great, and so far, have worked flawlessly.

Earlier today while I was at the Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, I ran into a very nice couple who were traveling back to Pennsylvania. In talking to them I found out that they had stayed at the same hotel and had just checked out this morning. During our little chat, they told me that they really enjoyed the BBQ at a place called Jim 'N Nick which is located just a short drive from the Hotel in the Hamilton Place Shopping complex.

 So, after getting settled in my room, I was off to Jim 'N Nicks. The Pennsylvania Couple didn't steer me wrong. The food was very good, and the service was excellent. On the way back to the hotel I made a stop at the nearby Cheesecake Factory for dessert and a bedtime snack.

 This just a little tune up trip until I hit the Road in July for a bigger Adventure. When I left home this morning my original plan was to head west to Savannah, Tennessee and tour the Shiloh Battlefield. However, when looking at Hotels in the Area I discovered that the Quality Inn in Savannah and the Hotels in nearby Corinth, Mississippi were sold out.

 So, I am going to have to go to Plan B. The problem is I don't have a plan B. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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