Tuesday, April 3, 2018


(APRIL 1, 2018) Today was April Fools day and the weather in Oklahoma City was not fooling around.  Last night when I checked into my hotel it was 68 degrees and I was in t-shirts, shorts and flip flops. This morning when I was loading the car, it was 34 degrees, and sleet or freezing rain was falling.

The other day while traveling through New Mexico something hit my my windshield and put a little nick in it, no problem or so I though. This morning while packing the car, I noticed that the little nick had began to sprout arms and two long cracks had developed. I don't know what it was that struck the windshield as I was traveling on a rural road between Roswell and Fort Sumner. The was another vehicle about 100 yards in front of me, but I don't know if they kicked up a rock or not.

Before leaving the hotel I filed an online claim with my insurance to have the windshield replaced.  I took all of 5-minutes to file the claim and get an approval, and set an appointment with SafeLite to have the windshield replaced.  I looked at staying over and having it replace here in Oklahoma City but the earliest appointment they had at any of their sites was April 16.  So I opted to have it replaced when I get home.  My appointment is set for Monday, April 9,2018 and the will come to me so I don't have to drive to Roanoke. My insurance is going to cover 100% of the cost, no deductible

I must say that this was the easiest and most hassle free procedure that I have ever had dealing with an insurance company.  My hats off to Nationwide.

Anyway, today was the worst weather day that I have had on this entire trip. Cold, Rain, Sleet. Just a totally miserable day. Many of the museums in the OKC area were opening in the afternoon so I looked at driving up toward Tulsa but the weather up there was worse than here. So I head east toward Fort Smith where I had hoped the weather would be a little better. 

East of Oklahoma City a few of the bridges were a little slick so I decided to pull into the Grand Hotel and Casino and kill a little time and to see if it would warm up a little. I put a $20 bill in to the machine and over the next hour hit a couple of small jackpots. After about an hour I decided to cash out. My original $20 was now $64. So before leaving I paid $15 for the Easter Lunch buffet, so not counting my original $20, and paying for the buffet I was about $29 to the good. The buffet was pretty good, better and slightly cheaper than Golden Corral.

I spent about two and a half hours at the Grand Casino and when I left the car showed the temperature was 44. So it was on to Fort Smith.

When I arrived at the Fort Smith National Historical Site it was still cold and raining. I had some time to kill before I could check into my hotel so I watched the 20-minute film on the history of Fort Smith and toured the old courthouse and jail.

This was the site where Judge Isaac Parker held court for the Western District of Arkansas, hiving criminal jurisdiction over the Indians Nation. The original courtroom and jail have been preserved and are part of the Visitor Center Museum.

The cold rain was still falling so I took a short walk around the site before driving over to the Fort
Smith National Cemetery where Judge Parker is resting.

It was still too early to check into my hotel so I drove back into Oklahoma and killed some time at the Cherokee Casino.  I again had decent luck, playing for over an hour on $20.  The evening buffet opened up at 4 p.m so about 4:45 I cashed out and decided to hit the buffet for supper. Just as I was cashing out a lady playing a few machines over from me hit a large jackpot. The attendant and a security officer soon showed up and and escorted her to the cashier. As I walked by it looked like she hit for $9,600.

After having supper at the Casino, it was a 20 mile drive to my Hotel in downtown Fort Smith.

Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be better so I am heading over to Little Rock to visit the Clinton Presidential Library and to catch up with Lindsey Scribner.

I am getting closer to home, and this trip will probably come to an end in the next couple of day. But we will see.

TOTAL MILES:     5,272

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