Thursday, April 5, 2018


(APRIL 5, 2018) Well the last day of this amazing trip was the most non-eventful day of the journey.  I spent the last night on the road in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, which is just south of Nashville. The were some pretty substantial storms that went through during the night, Lots of Thunder, lightening and wind for a bout two and a half hours. 

I intended to visit the Stones River Battlefield National Park just a couple of miles up the road, but when I got to the visitor center I was informed that it may be a couple of hours before I could do the driving tour. Last Nights storm had cause some minor damage and some debris was blocking some of the roads.

I decided rather than waiting that I would head toward home.  With only a few rest area stops and 30-minute delay for traffic in Knoxville, I crossed back into Virginia on Interstate 81 at about 4:45 p.m. Then it was one last meal at Cracker Barrel in Abingdon, before clicking off the last 90-miles

At 7:50 p.m. I hit the remote on my garage door, pulled into my garage and just like that it was over.

It was a great trip, but it was good to kick back in my recliner. I am still working on the final numbers and will have them finished in the next day or two. The preliminary number are: I spent 31 days and 30-nights on the road. This trip took me through 12-states and covered a grand total of 6,250-mile. It looks like I was pretty close to my expense goal of $5,000 or $150 per day.

I will have the final number in the coming days and will post them along with a final trip summary and review.

And before you ask, yes I have a couple ideas of where I will be going next, but I will save that for down the road.

Thanks for following along.


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