Wednesday, April 4, 2018


(APRIL 2, 2018) Today started just as yesterday ended. Cold and rainy.  I checked the weather for Fort Smith and for a couple of places east and it was supposed to be cloudy all day but the rain was forecast to stop about mid-morning.

I checked my Gas Buddy App and found that gas was a few cents per gallon cheaper over around Russellville, so I hit the road and headed east.

In Russellville, I filled up with gas at the Pilot Station and then made the Hour long drive to Little Rock with is my overnight destination.  Yes it is a short day mileage wise because I want to spend so time with my dear friend Lindsey Scribner.

I met Lindsey when she was 12-years old and was playing softball with my niece Jenna.  Jenna and Lindsey were inseparable. Through out High School Lindsey became my 4th Niece and we have stayed in touch all these years.

Now 26, Lindsey is living here in Little Rock near her family. And this afternoon I was able to have lunch and spend the afternoon with her.We talked and laughed and yes it was a great afternoon.

Tomorrow will probably be my last night on the road as I am going to push on to the Nashville area, then make one final push and be home some time Wednesday Night.

TOTAL MILS:        5431

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