Monday, April 2, 2018


(MARCH 29, 2018) Today was probably the best day that I have had while on this little trip. I have crossed a lot of thing off of my bucket list but today I got to visit with an old and dear friend. More about that later.

I was up early this morning and made the 45-mile trip across St. Augustine Pass through the Organ Mountain to the White Sand National Monument. On the way to the monument on Highway 70, I passed through the White Sand Missile Range. There were notices on some of the signs that this highway can be closed from time to time due to Missile Test.

My National Park Senior Pass once again came in handy as it save me the $5.00 entrance fee to the park.  I did stop at visitors center and pick up a small sled that I could use to slid down the dunes. Yea, I am still a kid at heart.

The drive through the park was amazing. The white sand is like a really fine powder and with the almost constant wind, it covers the road.  In fact there was a motor grader plowing the road just like snow.

I went to the back of the park where some of the larger dunes are located and tried out my sled. It was really so much fun sliding down the dunes on a cheap piece of plastic. Yea but the walk back up was a chore. I spent the better part of an hour sliding down and climbing back up.

Then it was time to continue my drive through this amazing park.  All total I spent the better part of 4-hours here and enjoyed every minute of it.

After a quick stop at the gift shop it was time to head back across the pass to Las Cruces and a visit with a man that I worked with for more than 20-year.  He is not only a great co-workers but a great Friend.

My friend Dave Edmondson has been retired for 22 years and I am only into my 3rd month of Retirement.  After spending a few years as a full time RV'er Dave and Flo have settled in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  I made a point to get in contact with them and today spent the afternoon swapping stories and sharing laughs.

Yes anytime you can reconnect with good friend it's a good day and today turned out to be a great day.

Well, this is about as far west as I am going to make it on this trip. Tomorrow I will start easing my way back east.  It looks like tomorrow may be a 400 plus mile day as I will be heading to Amarillo.

TOTAL MILES:     4,260

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