Friday, October 5, 2018


I know it has been a couple of weeks since I have posted anything. But quiet frankly there hasn't been much going on to write about.  I have been tending to routine chores and scheduling a bunch of appointments before I take off on my next big adventure.

I have just about taken care of all my medical appointments with only a dentist and eye appointment left. I still have a quarterly financial and tax review early next week. After than I will be able to concentrate on final preparations for my Amtrak Departure on October 18.

I purchased my tickets for the trip out several months ago and have begun to finalize my plans for my return trip. I have purchased my Amtrak Ticket from Tucson to Chicago and was able to get what I consider a good price for the two night, three day trip back to the windy city.  I was able to book a roomette for just a little over $300 which includes all meals in the dining car.

I have been watching the on time performance for the Texas Eagle into Chicago and it has been averaging 2-3 hours late each trip. Taking the Capitol Limited out of Chicago back to Washington, I only have a little over 3 hours to make the connection. So I have decided to stay over an extra night in Chicago and start fresh on the Capitol Limited the Next day. That will leave only one leg left from Washington back to Roanoke and I can probable take care of that as time get closer.

I have also reserved me a rental car for the 9-days that I will stay in Arizona once my friends head back to Virginia. The rental with unlimited mileage for the entire 9-day is costing me a little over $450 which is not bad. But because I am renting it in one city and dropping it off in another there is an additional $55 drop fee added on. Then there is the Arizona Stadium Tax of $27.50 added on. I guess I am helping to pay for the football and baseball stadiums. Local and state taxes and a Trip Tax adds another $70.62 to my total. So my total for the rental is going to be a little over $560.

I am dropping the car off in Tucson which is where I will be boarding Amtrak for my return trip. The train is scheduled to depart Tucson at 9:15 a.m. so I can drop the car off at 8 a.m.  and have enough time to make it to the station without being to hurried.  The rental car drop off is only about 7/10 of a mile from the Amtrak Station. My plan is to Uber or Lyft from the rental agency to the station but if I have to I can walk.

Finally, as I have said many times before everyone who I have talked to has told me to pack and travel light. I have my luggage down to one large backpack for my computer, clothes, toiletries, shoes and other necessities. I have a smaller backpack for my audio, video and camera equipment. I have pared that down to one DSLR camera with an extra lens, and a video camera. I have extra batteries and SD Cards.  I still have room in my camera pack for enough snacks to get me started on my four day train ride.

I have still got to get a few odds and ends, like ear plugs for sleeping. I am also going to down load a couple of books and a couple of movies to occupy my time when I find myself without cell and internet service.

So in less than two weeks my next big adventure will begin. For now I am still working on editing photos and Videos from my trips to Texas and Kentucky earlier this year. The video from my visit to Waco Texas is up on my YouTube Channel. If you have time slip over there and take a look. If you like it be sure to give it a thumbs up and if you want to get notified when I post future videos, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Click the Video below to view it here.

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