Monday, October 22, 2018


I work up about 7:00 this morning and we were in the Station in Toledo, Ohio, the Hometown of Maxwell Q. Klinger. Overnight we lost time and are now running about an hour and a half late.
Phil, My sleeping Car attendant switched my roomett into its sleeping configuration about 9:30 last night and I dozed off about 10. I woke up briefly about midnight and we were stopped in Pittsburgh and were pretty much on time.

After leaving Pittsburgh, I went back to sleep and pretty much slept straight through until 7 this morning. Surprisingly, I slept pretty good. There is track noises and the train is in constant motion and there are squeaks and rattles but I brought some cheap ear plugs and they not only deadened the car noise but the train horn that blows throughout the night.

The sun is up and have just crossed into Indiana and coming up on our station stop in Waterloo. As i look out the window. I see there is frost on the windshields of the cars. My phone tells me that it is currently 34 Degrees here in Waterloo.

Steel Mill - Gary, Indiana
I had Breakfast in the car dedicated as the Sleeper Car Lounge. Last Last night's dinner, this morning's breakfast was a preboxed meal consisting of a larger Fruit Tray, a cup of yogurt and all the juice and coffee you wanted. This morning's Breakfast was really very tasty and filling.

Home of the White Sox
After breakfast i returned to my room as we passed through the cities of South Bend and past the steel mills of Gary, Indiana.

Shortly After passing Gary i got my firat look at Lake Michigan. A few minutes later the Willis (Sears)Tower and the Chicago skyline came into view. About 10 minutes before we pulled into Chicago's Union Station we passed Cominsky Park (Known by some other name now) home of the Chicago White Sox.

After arriving Union Station I checked into the Metropolitan Lounge and stored my bags and made my way to the Food Court for a quick lunch. Now I am back in the Metropolitan Lounge waiting for the Boarding call for the Texas Eagle which will take me all the way to Phoenix.

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