Monday, October 22, 2018


The Texas Eagle actually go into San Antonio about an hour Early and this was going to be about a 5 and a half hour stop where The Texas Eagle is merged with the Sunset Limited.

The San Antonio is located right next to the Alamo Dome and the Tower of the Americas. Once the Train Stopped my New Car Attendant, Steve told me that if I was going to enjoy the San Antonio Night life i should be back at the train at 2 a.m. I guess I still look like a party Animal.

So having quiet a bit of time i did decide to walk about 4 Blocks up to the River Walk. They had large projection TV set up along one end of the River Walk, so i grabbed a drink at the bar an watched the last couple of innings of the Dodger game and got to see them clinch Back to Back National League Championships.

While walking around the River Walk I ran into a couple of other Texas Eagle Passengers and we enjoy relaxing over a Beverage or two. I mentioned to them we were only a couple of Blocks from the Alamo. They were astonished that were were that close so we walked over and visited one of the most sacred sites in Texas History.

Visiting the Alamo at night is so much different that visiting during the day. At night there is very few people around and the is a sense of peaceful reverence. A Lone Texas Ranger stands guard to honor those who died here and to ensure that no desecration come to this sacred shrine.

After our visit to the Alamo we had lost all track of time an realized it was after one in the morning and it was time to head back to reboard the train. When we got back to the Station we found that our train had gotten quiet a bit longer and had been reconfigured. My sleeping what had been first in line at the front of the Train next to the dining car, is now the very last car in the train and the dining car is now 5 cars ahead of me.

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