Thursday, October 18, 2018


I arrived in Washington about 12:20 and had a few hours before boardon my Next Train, The Capitol Limited. So I took the Opportunity to walk down Massachusetts Avenue toward the United States Capitol.

I remember the first time i came to Washington in the mid 1970's I walked right up the west steps and into the Rotunda and Statuary Hall. Congressmen and Senators would walk right by you without a second thought. Today You can't get any where close to going onside without first signing up for a tour at the relatively new Capitol Visitors Center or a special clearance arranged way advance  through your congressman or senator.

Just across the street from the Capitol are The Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. Things today have returned to normal in front of the Supreme Court. Unlike last week when unrest and protesters were causing all kinds of problems. Today the few people milling around were tourist like myself, taking selfies and enjoying at beautiful fall day in our nation's Capital.I spent a couple of hours walking around the Capital and the east end of the National Mall. Then it was time to hear back to Union Station.
U. S. Supreme Court

The short walk back took me by the Dirksen and Russell Senate Office Buildings, which are named for Senator Everett Dirksen of Indiana and Senator Richard Russell of Georgia. One back at Union Station I grabbed a quick lunch in the food court and then Chilled in the Acela Lounge until it was time to board The Capitol Limitedfor my overnight trip to Chicago
The Great Hall at Washington's Union Station.
Washington's Union Station.

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