Saturday, March 31, 2018


(MARCH 27, 2018)  Today, I went to Mexico, well almost.  I was really only a few feet from setting foot in a foreign land. I did toss a rock from the U. S across the Rio Grande into Mexico.

I got up earlier than usual this morning and found that it was raining and there was a chill in the air. It was 59 degrees and a light misty rain was falling as I made my way to the car for my trip to Big Bend National Park.

Alpine, Texas is the closest town with motels to Big Bend. There is a few local motels in Marathon about 20 miles south of Alpine but they were either questionable or booked up.  Here in Alpine there is a Quality Inn, Holiday Inn and a Hampton Inn. I chose the Quality Inn due to the great Tripadvisor Rating.

Staying in Alpine I am still about 80-miles from the entrance to the park. So I was up early and headed south back to Marathon where I picked up U. S. Highway 385 which will take me to the Persimmon Gap Entrance.

About two hours after leaving the hotel I arrived at the entrance station. The cost is $25 per car for 7-days. However my National Park Senior Pass saved me the entrance fee and I was on my way.

It took me almost an hour to make it from Persimmon Gap entrance to the Panther Junction Visitors Center; a distance of about 30-miles. The scenery kept getting better and better the deeper into the park I went.

Arriving at Panther Junctions I managed to pick up a few souvenirs and get my National Park Passport Book Stamped. The rangers here like at all National Park are exceptional in being friendly and helpful.  One of the rangers here told me that If I only had a day to spend that I should first head down to Santa Elena Canyon. She told me that the scenery on the way to the canyon was beautiful and the canyon itself was one of the most visited area of the park.

She was right, as the 30-mile route took me through some beautiful mountains. The drive took me a little over an hour to make as I kept stopping to take pictures and videos.

Santa Elena Canyon
Upon arriving at the canyon, I couldn't help but marvel in its beauty. Plus I was only a few feet from Mexico.  Yes I say fee as her the Rio Grande is some what underwhelming as the border between the United States and Mexico is only about 20-feet across.

After leaving the canyon, I back tracked up the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive and took a few side trip down the paved overlooks where I encountered more awesome views.  By the Time I arrived back at Panther Junction Visitors Center it was close to 2 in the afternoon. I decided to make my way toward the northwestern side of the park along the Panther Junction Road. Again this took me  almost another hour and I found myself saying good bye to Big Bend at the small town of Study Butte.
The Rio Grande

Here I headed north on Texas Route 118.  Some two hours later and 80-miles later I was back in Alpine. Putting an end to a wonderful day.

Big Bend is one of the least visited of our National Park, probably because it is so remote. But if you take you are ever in the area, you should by all means visit it. The beauty of this park will not disappoint you.

Tomorrow it is time to move on toward El Paso and say good-by to Texas and move into New Mexico.  Tomorrow I will have a decision to make. Either continue on to Albuquerque or start easing my way east and start making my way toward home.

We will see what happens.


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